Coach reggie graham
LB Coach at Reinhardt University
be 100% wrong
Don’t be afraid to make a mistake. No one is perfect. You will have to fail countless times in order to succeed. Be committed to your decision and be 100%
The Goal is 100%
Everything that we do should be done at our highest level. That is our 100%. If you look back on a situation and question your commitment or dedication, you didn’t give 100%
be 100% right
Every action requires conviction. You must commit whole heartedly to your decision. When that decision is the right decision, you need to commit 100% to reap the full benefits.
My Approach
I believe that everyday is a new opportunity. What that opportunity is depends on you. With each new opportunity comes the ability to grow and develop. Every day I want to get a little better at something. It’s also important that we build real and strong relationships. Nothing can be completed on our own no matter how hard we try.
Canton, GA 30114